Sunday, March 24, 2013

Market Update 24 March 2013

I am currently out of Dubai on holiday but watching market developments closely.

Last week was an interesting (and relatively tame) week in the markets.  It would appear as of Fridays close the "gut check" I spoke about previous indicates the markets currently believe a successful outcome will result from the Cypriot situation.  By a "successful outcome", this would be taken to mean Cyprus being able to come up with approximately 5.8 billion euros cash through the confiscation of a percentage of bank deposits for those who's accounts exceed 100,000 euros (the current talk is 20% for those deposits at the Bank of Cyprus and 4% on all deposits at all the other banks).  The fact that the majority of deposits of that nature are owned by Russians puts an interesting geopolitical spin on the whole situation.

Having said the above, after the markets closed on Friday it become apparent a deal was further away than previously thought.  Critical meetings are taking place late Sunday night in Brussels with Monday being the last day to come up with a solution unless the current "bank holiday" is extended in Cyprus.

In any case, the outcome for Cyprus is dire and irrespective of the outcome of the current talks the fate of the country is doomed.  The island has set up its entire economy based upon it being a tax "safe-haven" offshore banking entity for foreign deposits (its foreign bank deposits are 7x the countries annual GDP).  Should the current bank deposit confiscation proposal stand there is no chance foreign depositors will keep their money in Cyprus going forward as there is no guarantee this same sort of "bank levy" will not reoccur again at some point in the future.  Alternately, should Cyprus defy the current requests from the Troika (and stand up to defend its banking industry and its foreign depositors) the result will be the withdrawal of bailout funds from the ECB and the collapse of the banking system in Cyprus.  In either case, it is very difficult to see how Cyprus remains within the EU given the current situation.  As such, ultimately the key is not Cyrus but how its eventual collapse and removal from the EU affects other countries in similar dire economic conditions.

I think the key to watch in the next few months is the bank deposits not only in Cyprus but other troubled EU countries.  It is possible what starts as a relatively benign event in a small country such as Cyprus gradually turns into a contagion in the other countries.


ACWI Daily Chart:

The short term daily chart turned slightly bearish this week when price closed Thursday below the 20 day moving average (Bollinger Band midpoint).  However, Fridays advance put price back above the 20 dma.

As shown on the chart, there has been a bearish divergence between price and a number of corresponding technical indicators over the past few weeks (shown as red dotted trend lines).  Price has continued to rise while the corresponding technical indicators have been declining.  This is a warning that a downtrend in price could occur soon.

As shown, the 1st test will be the support @ 49.03.

ACWI Weekly Chart:

For the week ACWI declined by 0.80%.  This is a surprising benign response given the potential market turmoil that will result from a messy conclusion to the Cypriot situation.  

The medium term chart remains bullish but overbought.  I have shown on the chart the previous 2 times the weekly RSI has exceeded 70 (Oct 2010, Feb 2011).  In both those cases prices declined back to the test the weekly Bollinger Band midpoint (20 week SMA).  As of last week price had again pushed above a 70 RSI (overbought) and given the 2 previous declines it can be assumed a similar decline would occur in this current case (back to the BB midpoint; current @ 48.68).  This area is also associated with previous support (yellow band 48.38-48.67) so a short term decline to at least this level should be expected (as indicated on the chart, an approximate 5% decline from the current top).

ACWI Monthly Chart:

The long term monthly chart remains bullish with price well above the 8 month SMA.  However, once gain it can be seen the RSI (in this case the monthly RSI) has risen above the overbought level of 70.  The last time this occurred was in May 2011 and what followed was a decline of 27% to the bottom in October 2011.

While the long term technical indicators remain bullish, note the decline in the Force Index as price has continued to advance.  This indicates the current momentum is lagging but is not yet confirmed by a MACD Histogram bar reversal (which remains bullish as shown on the chart).  A monthly close with a lower Histogram bar would be an indication a long term trend reversal is occurring.  As of today this has not occurred.

Euro Weekly chart:

As it is obvious ground zero for any sustained market decline will probably come from Europe, it is important to watch the Euro for clues.

The weekly Euro chart clearly shows the declining trend channel the Euro has been in for the past 2 years.  Recent Euro strength has taken price up near the top of the current down trend line and reversed over the past few weeks.  It appears strong support at the 126-127 level needs to be tested as early as next week.  A break below this level and the lows near 120 are the new target.

Euro 60 Minute chart:

Short term it is interesting to note the strong volumetric zone on the Euro ETF.  Price is currently right at this strong area of support/resistance.  A break above the upper level @ 129.50 would be very bullish; conversely a break below the level of 128.20 would be bearish.  In addition, until the 10 ema crosses above the 200 ema the current short term direction of the Euro is down.


I have noted previous how I use a number of sentiment indicators to judge the relative dangers in the market.

The investors intelligence indicator is a measure of the relative bullishness of financial newsletter writers.  Ironically at market tops the majority of these writers tend to be bullish and at market bottoms most tend to be bearish.

As can be seen on the chart, when the percentage of bearish newsletter writers drops below 20 (in other words, most newsletter writers are currently bullish) the result has been market declines.  Ideally I would like to see the percentage of bullish writers exceed  55% or more (giving a bull/bear ratio of > 3.0; currently @ 2.55) to say with certainty we are near the top.  We are not quite there yet so this chart is indicting a "watch carefully" signal vs. an actual top signal.  However, we can say we are closer to a correction than we are to an advance given current bullish sentiment.

Bottom Line:

-the markets remain overbought on both weekly and monthly charts.  Previous overbought readings in the past 2 years have resulted in market declines (5% shorter term, 27% longer term).

-the outcome to the Cyrus situation remains in limbo as of today with possible contagion spreading to other EU countries.

-market participants are more bullish than they have been in months (since April 2011; just before the substantial decline in the summer of 2011).

Given the above, I remain moderately bullish yet on guard.  Current technical indicators and sentiment preclude me from increasing my equity exposure yet there is insufficient technical data to indicate a reduction in equity exposure is warranted at present.  As such, I am very comfortable with maintaining my current exposure at a tactical 50% equity/50% cash position as follows:

-Russell Global 90 Fund: 40%

-Fidelity International Fund: 10%

-Russell USD Liquidity II Fund: 50%

As indicated, I am currently on holiday but monitor the markets daily.  Should there be any technical developments over the next few weeks I will update the blog accordingly.

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Cyprus Bank Bailout analysis

A shocking development over the weekend was the terms and conditions imposed upon Cyprus by the Troika (EU, ECB, IMF) to avoid an impending bank collapse.  As a result, all bank transfers within Cyprus have been frozen, a "bank holiday" has been declared for Monday, and a vote in the Cypriot parliament (scheduled for Monday) now appears to be in doubt.

I will post an update later today but in my opinion this has the makings of a "Black Swan" event.  The confiscation of bank deposits (ironically "guaranteed" by the Cypriot government for the 1st 100,00 Euros in potential losses) is an unprecedented move by the Troika in their dealings with the problem countries.

Markets will be selling down hard today on the news but it will take a day or two for the true extent of the damage to reveal itself.  As most know, I have been expecting a pullback in the markets and have been stunned by the zombie-like daily movements upwards the past few weeks on weaker and weaker technicals.  This event will definitely test the metal of todays market.

Back in my military days we had a term known as a "gut check".  It was a time when an individual would be tested by an extraordinary event for which the response/outcome of his actions were unable to determine in advance of the event.  Webster's Dictionary defines the term as "a test or assessment of courage, character, or determination".

This market is about to be given a Gut Check.  Watch close.

I have included an excellent summary below for those who would like some background on the events unfolding.  Excellent article by Frances Coppola:

Dwayne Malone

Sowing the wind 
The terms of Cyprus's bank bailout have shocked the world. For the first time, small bank depositors will take a hit. 
Small depositors have long been regarded as sacrosanct. Although in theory they rank alongside bondholders and large depositors in the queue for funds, in practice they have always been protected - usually by taxpayers.  There is a widespread belief that because small deposits are insured in nearly every developed nation, therefore they should not take losses when banks are bailed out instead of being allowed to fail. Depositors losing money when banks are kept afloat, when they would have escaped unscathed if the banks failed, seems both unfair and illogical. 
Hence the reason for the "shock and awe" response to the Cyprus bailout terms. A 6.75% one-off "stability levy" will be imposed on deposits covered by deposit insurance (under 100,000 Euros). The levy on larger deposits will be 9.99% - not a great difference, really, and much less than might have been expected: after all, depositors could lose 100% of deposit value above 100,000 Euros. Additionally, there will be higher withholding taxes on interest. These penalties will be applied to all deposits, including those in well-managed banks that don't require bailout. 
The description of this as a "tax" or levy is a bit of a fudge. Under what type of taxation scheme are people provided with shares to compensate them for the taxes they have paid? But that is what is happening here. Depositors will be provided with bank shares to the value of their losses. They are being "bailed in" in the same way as junior bond holders: a percentage of their deposits are being converted to equity. The money taken from the depositors will go to the sovereign to compensate it for the cost of bailing out the banks. At the end of the process, the sovereign will be left with a manageable amount of debt, and the banks will be owned by their depositors and junior bondholders. In effect they will have become mutuals. 
When I explain it like that, it doesn't sound so bad, does it? The problem for depositors is twofold, really:
  • their liquid assets (cash deposits) will have been replaced with illiquid ones (shares in banks that currently have little market value)
  • they are forced to take the risk that the future value of those banks will not compensate them for the money surrendered to the sovereign.
So depositors have an immediate liquidity problem, and the possibility of future real losses. They are not suffering a real immediate loss of capital at all. The sovereign is providing them with shares to the value of their losses. Yes, I know those shares look like duds, but there is no market for them so it is impossible to obtain a real market price. The sovereign is valuing the shares as it sees fit. It remains to be seen whether the sovereign's valuation is correct. I have considerable doubts about this, but that is for reasons that have nothing to do with the current bailout and everything to do with the real economic issues in Cyprus and the utterly inept and counterproductive measures being taken to deal with them. 
Plenty of people have questioned why small depositors had to be hit at all. The German financial minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, who appears to have masterminded the bailout plan, wanted large depositors to take a much larger hitso that small depositors could be protected. The IMF took a similar view. It seems that the Cypriot government did not agree. There is considerable speculation as to why the Cypriot government preferred to see small depositors hit. To me it seems most likely that it has to do with the Cypriot government's wish to avoid upsetting Russia, given Nicosia's hope that Russia will contribute to the bailout by softening the terms of its existing sovereign loan, and the considerable amount of money (some of it undoubtedly dirty) from Russian oligarchs that is held in Cypriot banks. But it is also possible that Nicosia is still hoping to maintain its foothold in the international tax haven network. Even with the 2.5% increase imposed as part of this bailout, corporation tax is a very competitive 12.5%, and the Cypriot government has encouraged growth of the financial sector by attracting deposits from overseas investors.  Frankly I think this is pie in the sky. A 10% loss may be all in a day's work for corrupt depositors, but that doesn't mean they will continue to deposit funds in a country that imposes losses like that when there are others that don't. The large depositor haircut is a mortal blow to Cyprus's ambitions to be an international financial centre - and that has serious implications for its economy. 
Cyprus's economy is dwarfed by its financial sector, whose total assets are 8 times its GDP. It's uncannily like Ireland without the property bubble but with a much larger neighbour and trading partner in a horrible mess. And like Ireland, the sovereign cannot afford to bail out its banks. A taxpayer bailout like that done in Ireland would leave the sovereign with estimated debt of 145% of GDP. The IMF considers this unsustainable, and under its own rules would therefore be unable to contribute to the bailout fund. As the Eurogroup is expecting the IMF to contribute, clearly a taxpayer bailout of Cyprus banks would be out of the question, unless it was immediately followed by Greek-style PSI restructuring of sovereign debt. No-one wants to go there.... 
Except that they will go there, eventually. Although I have explained above why this is perhaps not such a terrible deal for depositors as it seems, that is not how they will see it. The run on Cypriot banks started as soon as the deal was made public. Cyprus was forced to introduce temporary restrictions on the movement of capital to prevent depositors removing their funds to avoid the levy. And although this choked off an immediate acute bank run prior to the levy being imposed, I do not think depositors will want to keep funds in banks any more. After all, it's not very long since the Cypriot President announced that there would be no deposit if the Government can break that promise, why should depositors believe the description of this levy as a "one-off"?  Large depositors will eschew Cyprus in favour of non-Eurozone countries such as Latvia. Small depositors will withdraw funds in cash and stuff their mattresses, or they might buy gold.  In fact there has been a slow run on Cypriot banks for some time now, as international depositors withdrew funds due to bailout fears: I expect this run to increase to a flood once banks re-open after the bank holiday.  
The effect of large and small depositors removing funds on that scale will be abrutal economic downturn as the money supply collapses. In particular, the dominant financial sector will suffer a severe contraction, putting thousands of jobs at risk and paralysing lending to Cypriot households and businesses. And that is IN ADDITION to the estimated 4.5% economic contraction that is already happening due to austerity measures imposed on Cyprus in 2012 to reduce its fiscal deficit, and the further measures required in this bailout. "Deep recession" is already forecast for Cyprus. A major bank run will be economically catastrophic. And the effect of that economic disaster will be to increase both the fiscal deficit and the public debt as a proportion of GDP. After all, even if the government doesn't increase borrowing, a collapse in GDP immediately raises the debt burden to unsustainable proportions, spooking investors and causing unaffordable rises in yields on sovereign debt. 
Cypriot banks may or may not become insolvent. They will become completely dependent on central bank funding, of course, just like their Greek counterparts. But a second bank bailout is not a complete certainty. What in my view is a racing certainty is a SOVEREIGN bailout due to GDP collapse some time in the next two years. This bailout may have averted the immediate risk of disorderly default and Euro exit, but economically it is completely insane. And it is dangerous, not just for Cyprus but for other countries too. 
For the fact is that deposit insurance everywhere in the EU has now been undermined. The precedent has been set for insured depositors to suffer losses in order to protect Russian oligarchs and reckless banks. If the Eurogroup can impose this on Cyprus, it can do so elsewhere too. Yes, Olli Rehn says they have no current plans to do so, and insists that the Cyprus bailout is unique. But haven't we heard this before? Wasn't the Greek bailout "unique", and the Irish bailout, and the Portuguese bailout, and the Spanish bailout? It is only "unique" until the next domino falls. I would not be surprised now to see bank runs across the entire Eurozone periphery, and perhaps in other EU countries too.  
They have sown the wind

UPDATE: It appears that Cyprus came very close to actual default. This tweet from Yiannis Mouzakis shows that the ECB was preparing for collapse of Cyprus's two main banks.  The timing of this is exquisite and it is hard not to conclude, as Mouzakis does, that it was done to put pressure on the Cypriot government in order to obtain a deal at any price, regardless of the consequences for the Cypriot economy and for its people. If that is true then it exposes the European Union for what it is rapidly becoming - a nascent totalitarian state. 
UPDATE 2 - The FT confirms the ECB's role in forcing through the deal. It says the ECB threatened to stop providing liquidity to Laiki, Cyprus's second-biggest bank, which would have caused an immediate disorderly collapse. I have written previously about the ECB's disgraceful behaviour. This is the worst example yet.

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